Galaxy Pro 16MP 16CH 2SATA NVR
Data Sheet
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Summary:16MP 16CH 2SATA NVR w/16 PoE, Up to 16MP, 16CH, 320Mbps Incoming, 160Mbps Outgoing, 1x 4K HDMI, 1x VGA, 2 x 16MP@30, 2 x 12MP@30, 4 x 4K@30, 6 x 5MP@30, 8 x 4MP@30, 10 x 3MP@30, 16 x 1080P@30, 32 x 960P@25, 2xSATA up to 10TB/ea, VCA, Intrusion, Cross Line, 1x RJ45 10/100/1000M, 1x USB2.0, 1x USB3.0, RS485, Audio 1in/1out, Alarm 8in/2out,